Tag Archives: christmas

How to stay calm during the holiday season

This holiday season I have managed to avoid creating Christmas stress. I have breath in the slow mood and accept the fact that Christmas time goes as it does. I am not going to force it to be perfect, and I don’t want to poison my mind with stress.

How to do this? Well, firstly I am not going to stress about buying Christmas presents. This year again we won’t buy presents for adults. We got a couple of books and games for our daughter. Recently, when I asked her, what she wanted, she told me an orange present. I realized by asking this question that I am about to teach her a manner that in Christmas time Santa is going to bring lots of gifts. I said to myself: stop. What she really needs is that we spent time with her and that we do things together, like baking gingerbreads or making snowmen. The biggest gift is the time and our presence, not the number of gifts. And lets face it: the more kids have presents at the same time, the less they concentrate on playing any of them.

Also, in these past few weeks I have consciously started to slow down. I have stopped to notice the Christmas magic around us. I have pay attention how the city is full of beautiful Christmas lights, how the snow falls down, how the Christmas trees look in the market. I have eaten in a mindful way a piece of chocolate and smell how the warm glögi brings the Christmas spirit to our home. I have woken up early to do my meditation and yoga practice. I lit the candles and then wake up my daughter with lots of hugs and kisses. Together we look at the Christmas decorations and that little elf that is looking at us. In the morning we play Christmas songs that she loves to sing and dance. We share the magic that she experiences when she opens her Advent calendar.

The joy of Christmas is in these little moments, don’t let them go by.

Read more:

This Christmas

You Christmas nut!

My favorite list for December

Have a lovely Christmas time my dear reader!

This Christmas…

This Christmas…

I feel blessed that we got our mum home after a difficult surgery.

Almost all of my gang is at the same address during Christmas.

I feel relaxed, because we don’t need to run from place to place on Christmas Eve. We stay at my mum’s, visit the cemetery and my grandmum at the retirement home, and that’s about it.

And what I am going to do is this: put the woolen socks on, give myself a treat and eat quality chocolate and drink a couple of glasses of red wine and read. I’ve got lots of new books waiting. And of course I am going to give plenty of kisses to my little girl, who is going to be 10 months old soon.

I think Christmas is a good time to practice to being in the moment (not always so easy) and have a little break from social media.

This Christmas we are avoiding the concept of modern Christmas, it means that with the close ones we agreed not to buy presents. Instead, we concentrate on eating good but healthy food (and of course lots of chocolate).

To sum up, we are going to have a giftless, meatless and most of all relaxed kind of Christmas. I think we all feel less stressed already.

Merry Christmas!


Photos by Toni Pakarinen


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