

zero waste home


We have been living in our current apartment now a one year. Those who have followed me on Instagram or this blog know, that we moved last September from Spain to Finland, and we hardly bring anything with us. Instead of buying everything in new, we decided to go zero waste and buy furniture and stuff from flea markets. Some of the furniture we even found on the streets or got free from our friends. Now we have lived in…

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Should we have another baby?

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This weekend we celebrate mothers, so I decided to write about how is life with two children and being a mum. I am sure many of you parents think about the question “should we have another baby?” And: “when is the good time?” For us, our second baby came by accident. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I wanted another child. We started to get in that comfortable zone with our first one and we wondered if we had…

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Uncategorized Lifestyle

Well hello, yellow April!


Little by little color yellow has entered into my life. From a flea market I bought two yellow cups to drink my evening tea. And then in a grocery shop I have a habit to grab a bouquet of yellow tulips to color up our home. This time of year it feels like yellow is giving more energy and makes everything seem lighter after the heavy winter season. Spring is a wake up call for many of us; it is…

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Nothing is permanent except change

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homedeco sustainableliving

I am always been afraid of settling in just one place. In my late twenties when my friends started to buy houses and making kids, I escaped to Paris. I rented a studio from the first arrondissment, and I was happy with my 10 square meters attic apartment where I wash the dishes in the toilet sink. I knew that it was just a temporary thing. Now with family and all, you kind of have to stay and settle in…

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The best of the month: March


It starts to be bright in the morning. Spring is definitely coming here in Helsinki. This I found out when we came back from our winter break from North of Finland. Asphalt is exposed under the snow and there is smell of spring in the air. On the street I see people wearing more light colors and they have changed their winter shoes to sneakers. I wonder, should I too? Or just to keep my winter boots on for a…

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The Second Baby

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the second baby

Okay, our son is only about a month old, but I dare to say that being second time mother feels so much easier than with the first one. In a way, that’s logical, but I still can’t help wondering, how much easier it is in this time. I was, of course, very happy when our firstborn was born, but horrible uncertain – as many new mothers are. I dared hardly sleep when I was afraid that the child would not…

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Dream on my dear


It is that time of the year again: it is time to look back before the New Year hits. How was your year 2018? What made you happy? What are you grateful at? What have you learned? I definitely had a full ride this year! We started the year by moving to Barcelona region. In the end of January we took a car from Paris and drive it to Barcelona. It was a big transition in our life. For me,…

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My favorite list for December


Christmas spirit starts to be everywhere, but can we really get into the mood, when we need to do so much? Christmas time is definitely not that easy for everyone, not at least for us, adults. Before the end of the year you maybe want to finish all the unfinished projects, prepare your house for Christmas, do all the delicious bakings and run around all the cool pre-Christmas parties. You feel tires already? Relax. This year: don’t make all this…

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Home sweet home

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I recently wrote about our decoration philosophy, and that our new apartment we are going to buy everything we can on second hand markets. So, now we are in our new place. It is time for a little analyze what did we buy and how did we succeed in our project. Our budget for home décor was 1300 euros. This is the money we got when we sold our old stuff in our home in Spain before we moved to…

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Action now!

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IPPC published its climate report this week, and this week’s news has been all about it. It is hard and scary to read that we only have like twelve years to stop the global climate warning not reaching to the two degrees. The action needs to be taken now, and we all need to do something. But sometimes I feel hopeless. In the mornings when I have read all the news about climate change, I have been thinking, what I…

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