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new year


Dream on my dear


It is that time of the year again: it is time to look back before the New Year hits. How was your year 2018? What made you happy? What are you grateful at? What have you learned? I definitely had a full ride this year! We started the year by moving to Barcelona region. In the end of January we took a car from Paris and drive it to Barcelona. It was a big transition in our life. For me,…

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Lets dream big!


One of my New Year’s Eve tradition is to make a dream map for the next year. I think it is a good way to start a new year when you do a little check in with yourself and write down your goals in life. Instead of making new year’s promises that you can’t keep, it is more optimistic to create a mind map and dream. Also, when you make the dream map every year, it is nice to look…

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Recipe for my super diet – you should try it too!

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  Normally the New Year starts with a lot of promises. Maybe you want to get thinner? Start a new diet? Or did you already get a membership at the closest gym? When you look at the magazine stand at your nearest supermarket you’ll see how all the covers of women’s magazines seem to make promises about how you can accomplish a good life or be happier. As we know in life, there really isn’t any shortcut to happiness. And…

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How was the year 2016?

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At this time of year it is time to make plans for the next one, but before moving forward, I want to look closer at this year. As you know, the biggest and greatest thing ever was the birth of our baby girl, and of course the busiest job was looking after her. As grateful as I am of being at home with her, it is not always easy to combine work and family. But being the power woman that…

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