

Looking for that lost balance

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During my pregnancy I was in my perfect zen mood: I ate and slept well. I did my yoga and meditation practice every day. I avoid drinking too much coffee, and of course, I didn’t drink any alcohol after I did my pregnancy test. I was on a top of the mountain, but at the same time I did know, that this balance-like feeling wouldn’t last long – like any period in life doesn’t. There is always change waiting in…

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February: Favorite list of the month

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With the New Year there always comes an opportunity to change things, chance of new beginnings. To our family the start of the year has been really about new beginnings when our baby boy was born. And after that I have literally slowed down (that is why the favorite list of the months comes now in February). In these past weeks I have lived in a baby bubble. From our sixth floor apartment I have looked when it has been…

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On meditation…

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In Sanskrit and Tibetan language the nearest words to meditation is bhavana (to grow, to cultivate) and gom. These words emphasize the point to do meditation: to find that true and clear mind that observes us and the world, and through that we can grow to become that better version of ourselves, and with only that we can serve the world and others better, too. This all demands practice, meditation. By changing ourselves, we can start to change the world…

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Shine on November!


The darkest season (in North) is here, and it is perfect excuse to carry light and warmness to your body and soul. November is one of my favorite months. You might think, I am kidding, but nope, it is. And I am going to tell you why: It is time to slow time. Literally here in North we need to start walk slower not to fall down. This is a perfect moment to walk more intentionally, to be more present.…

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5 tips how to reach your goals

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Recently, I listened twice a ten days meditation class Manifest Your Ultimate Goals & Dreams by Kenneth Soares via Insight Timer (yep, it is my favorite application at the moment). Kenneth is a mental coach, a member of a Power Thoughts Meditation Club (I recommend to check their web page) and free spirit. I really like this guy. Anyway, the topic of the ten days class was goals in life and how to reach them. The subject really spoke to me in…

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Walking on my power path

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In Brittany I have been walking on the same hiking trail every evening. That gave me an idea that this is my power road. You might have heard talk about power animals, and everyone seems to have their favorite quote of power sentence – I am not that into on those things, but walking and finding my own path, yes! At this moment my life is a bit chaotic. There is big moving ahead, and next week I need to…

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The big hair crisis


Imagine a moment when you are at the hairdresser’s, with hair dye on, and then when it is time to rinse the color out the hair stylist starts buzzing and complaining to another hairdresser. Well this happened to me last Saturday. The whole hair-coloring thing was an impulse. It was Saturday morning; I had just finished my yoga. My husband and daughter had left for a baby swimming class, and I thought that this was the moment to sneak out.…

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Recipe for my super diet – you should try it too!

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  Normally the New Year starts with a lot of promises. Maybe you want to get thinner? Start a new diet? Or did you already get a membership at the closest gym? When you look at the magazine stand at your nearest supermarket you’ll see how all the covers of women’s magazines seem to make promises about how you can accomplish a good life or be happier. As we know in life, there really isn’t any shortcut to happiness. And…

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The pleasure of doing nothing

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Perun puheeni. Olimme sittenkin miniloman tarpeessa. Jo kuukauden jälkeen tuntui, että olemme saaneet tuntuvan annoksen Pariisia, melua, ilmansaasteita — ja no muutenkin suurkaupunkielämää. Päätimme viettää pidemmän viikonlopun Bretagnessa. Syynä maalle pakoon oli myös kesämökin myynnin kauppakirjojen allekirjoittaminen. Viikonlopun aikana päästiin taas siihen hyvinvoinnin ytimeen ja niihin yksinkertaisiin seikkoihin, jotka arkena helposti unohtuvat. Bretagnessa syötiin hyvin, nukuttiin aamulla syntisen pitkään ja patikoitiin kalliolla tyttö kantorepussa. Eräs patikkaretki vei meidät uuden talomme pihalle. Löysimme salaportin talon puutarhaan, istahdimme terassin kivilattialle ja ihmettelimme…

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Getting back in shape

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Kirjoitin aiemmin blogissani raskausajan liikunnasta ja sen merkityksestä hyvinvoinnilleni. Halusin palata aiheeseen nyt raskausajan jälkeen. Eli miten liikkuminen ja palautuminen ovat onnistuneet? Omalla kohdallani tunsin oloni jo sen verran hyväksi, että palasin joogamatolle jo kaksi viikkoa synnytyksen jälkeen. Olin siinä mielessä onnekas, että palauduin synnytyksestä nopeasti, ja olinhan harrastanut liikuntaa koko raskauden ajan. Joka tapauksessa halusin tarttua tähän aiheeseen, koska viime aikoina olen törmännyt sosiaalisessa mediassa kirjoituksiin, joissa on suhtauduttu negatiivisesti siihen, että tuore äiti haluaa palautua nopeasti vanhoihin mittoihinsa…

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