Tag Archives: sustainability

Home sweet home

I recently wrote about our decoration philosophy, and that our new apartment we are going to buy everything we can on second hand markets. So, now we are in our new place. It is time for a little analyze what did we buy and how did we succeed in our project.

Our budget for home décor was 1300 euros. This is the money we got when we sold our old stuff in our home in Spain before we moved to Finland. What did we get with this money? A lot, in the end we didn’t even use all. Before going through the list, I have to say that some of the home decoration stuff we brought from Spain to Finland by car, for example lamps, home textiles and some of the most important kitchen devices.

So here is the list:

This is what we got for free from our friends or found from dumpster:

rattan sofa + baskets

ktchen table and chairs


two bureau

rack for shoes


three chairs


coffee machine


Bought as used:

child’s bed                                               40 e

couch                                                       50 e

terrace sofa and cushions                   165 e

plates                                                       20 e

other moving expense                          30 e

rocking chair                                          65 e

cottage table                                           70 e

bureau                                                     50 e

children’s armchair                              30 e

bedcover                                                   2 e

in total                                                    522 e


Purchased as new:

Kitchen’s side table                               99 e

Junior chair                                             50 e

Wooden step                                          10 e

Slatted bed place                                   60 e

Two houseplants and pots                    30 e

Two floor pillows                                    32 e

In total                                                    271 e

All together                                             793 e


How did it go?

I have to say, that most of the home decoration you can find in used and in good conditions, but this demand time and energy to be alert all the time. Also, there are some miscalculations, too. We bought some furniture really upmarket price, like that used terrace table and sofa with pillows. That was actually the most expensive piece of furniture that we bought! We got them from the former tenant. The same goes to the plates that we bought from him. We thought that he would leave in the apartment all the plates that he showed, but when we moved in there were only a half of them, and all the normal plates (that we actually needed) were missing. So that was too a shopping that was annoying afterwards, and I should have trusted my instinct that said no. Luckily, I cancelled all the other furniture that he wanted to sell us.

Otherwise I found really easy to buy home decoration from Facebook’s second hand markets and other online marketplaces. But this I did learn: you need to act immediately, check often what is available, and most of all, picking up the furniture you often needed a car. In many occasion, without a car, we couldn’t have bought the furniture that we wanted and as fast as we needed them. Also, we did face some logistics problems, like how to get that big cottage table from one place to a top of the car and then again to carry it to the sixth floor. Well in the end we found help from the place we bought the table and when we got to our place, I asked help from the street from two teenager boys who wanted to earn ten euros.

However, I found it tiring to hang in Facebook to find that special piece of furniture, but at time  that was rewarding. For example I was the first one to book a rocking chair, that 200 people were asking after me. Also, we found two bureaux for free, and when we went to pick them, we found in the same trip, by accident, from a dumpster a bureau for my husband.

I tried to avoid buying new things, but in the end, we needed to buy some necessary things, that were helping every day life. In our new kitchen there is hardly any cooking place, so a little side table was obligatory, the same goes to the junior chair. In our Airbnb place we had one and our daughter got used to it and we found it practical. And lets face it; it wasn’t nice to construct a chair for our girl by adding a carton box on top of the kitchen chair every day.

As you go through my list, you can notice that not all things were so necessary, like those plants or floor pillows, but I found them useful and they give comfortable atmosphere to our home. If we really wanted to go more zero waste what comes to our home, we could have do it, but so far, I found that we did a pretty good job.

I think for me, after packing and moving, I have started to let go on material things. All the ownership and buying new things make me uncomfortable. Our place I wanted to get to together fast, so we could actually start living here. For me, my decoration philosophy was to make a cozy home, and that is what I hope for our friends and family will experience too when  they come for a visit.

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Action now!

Zero waste lifestyle on the road

Let it go!



Action now!

IPPC published its climate report this week, and this week’s news has been all about it. It is hard and scary to read that we only have like twelve years to stop the global climate warning not reaching to the two degrees. The action needs to be taken now, and we all need to do something. But sometimes I feel hopeless. In the mornings when I have read all the news about climate change, I have been thinking, what I could do more. When walking on the street I look around those busy people passing by with their plastic smoothie cups in their hands and then I saw rubbish on the street, and I feel hopeless. We are the western people and we should know it better. And at the same time I am busy too and hungry, it would be tempting to buy green smoothie, I need energy! Anyway, does it really matter what I do in a big picture? Does it really matter my little sustainable choices that I try to make, when the oceans are full of plastic, in the other side of the world people are working in bad working condition and out planet’s carrying capacity is about to collapse?

Well, does it matter?

As I talk to my husband, he is underlining that if we really wanted to live according to sustainable values, we would be living like his best friend in Brittany. He is living without electricity, in a minimalist way, he doesn’t consume hardly anything, he buys his food from food market and from locals and he is recycling or reusing everything. Only a few of us could live like this. I mean think about: warming your place every day, going to a cold shower and doing your needs to a bucket. Still, I really admire this person, I am proud of that we have chance to call him as a friend. He is a role model, and I don’t know anyone who is living like he does.

Anyway, I still want to believe, that it does matter what you and I do in every day level. And I do want to write about our sustainable lifestyle that we try to put in practice in our everyday life. You must have notice that this blog is about sustainable lifestyle and good life, right? So tips are coming now too, because we need action. Normally different reports and medias lists three categories that we can start doing changes and minimize our carbon footprint. These categories are: our eating habits, reducing taking a plane and paying attention to our consumer habits. Here are my tips for minimizing carbon footprint in each category. Yes, they are easy on paper, but not so easy put in the action.

Reduce eating meat

It is a meatless October (at least here in Finland), it is a perfect excuse to stop eating meat for a month at least. Participate a challenge and find your support group on Facebook, if you feel like it is easier when you share your results with others.

Start with little steps. For example, if you eat meat three times a week, start replace one meal with vegetarian food. Make it a habit.

Try new vegetarian recipes and try to replace meat with vegetarian substitute. Try to make a lasagna with vegetables only, for example! In the best case you will get excited to try new recipes and learning to make more sustainable meals. This is what happened to me, when I started to be vegetarian three years ago.

Do you have kids? Tell them to about why it is important to reduce eating meat. Do you have little kids? Think about, is it really necessary to start learning them to eat meat in weekly base.


This is a hard one!  I mean would you say no to a summer holiday in a warm destination or weekend in Rome? Probably not. And I cannot blame you. Discovering new places is broadening and you always learn and experience something new. But you know the truth: taking a plane is a bad for the planet and it is raising our carbon footprint. Of course you can buy yourself better conscience by living more sustainable way in your everyday life, but the best solution is to minimize your flying trips.

My solution: try to think in a new way. Is it really necessary to fly for this city holiday for just a couple of days? Is it really recuperative after all? Think about how tired you will be on Sunday evening when you are returning home after a weekend trip. Think about all the time wasted when getting to an airport, waiting in lines and so on.

If you are traveling a lot, stop to think: why am I doing this? What is it that I am not happy about my every day life where I am? Is it possible to move to another country or start looking your environment with new eyes?

I surely do know what I am writing about. We just moved back to my cold and dark home country from sunny and warm Spain. I could start booking flights to a warmer destination, but instead of doing that, I want to travel near by and get to know my county better.

If you traveling for a work, think if you can replace some of the flying and meetings by just making a Skype connection.

Remember: you can always compensate your carbon footprint by paying an extra flight fee for example here.

Change your consumption habits

This action we can take immediately. Think, what you really need. Try to find other solutions for buying, like borrowing books, tools and clothes from your friends or neighbors. And what goes on fashion and decoration trends, stop following them, and get out to be a fashion victim – it is not fashionable at all! You must know that fashion industry is one of the polluting industry in the world. When a shirt costs ten euros, you can be sure that it hasn’t been made in an ethical or environmental friendly factory.

So what should you do? Buy clothes on occasion, and buy only quality clothes that are made near and with natural fibers. Buy only for the need and ask your self every time: am I going to use this for another ten years? (Or like me: when I am a grandmother.) The best solution would be not to buy at all, and use the clothes that you already have.

Summary: Take care of the clothes you have and try to prolong their lifespan.

What goes on grocery shopping, avoid buying food that are packed in plastic (definitely not easy here in Finland).

Try to buy local and seasonal food and buy food on food markets, if possible.

Buy only food what you need and just a little at time (if you have chance to go to a super market often) and try to minimize food waste.

Carry a fabric bag with you.

Protect and be active!

Protect forests; they are important carbon throat for cleaning the air from carbon dioxide. Stop taking free distributions, read your magazines in your nearest library or if you buy them, change magazines with your friends. This is one way to safe money, too!

Support environmental groups.

Alongside our daily decisions towards sustainable living, we need more rapid action from a political level in global and in local basis to guide us to make better choices that are necessary to take in a long run.

Meanwhile, start doing something today, pick up a trash from the street or avoid buying that smoothie in a plastic cup. The important thing is that you start consciously think about your daily actions and what you could do more, because it does matter.

We can do this!

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Recycle, get rid of stuff and set yourself free

6 reasons why you should buy second hand clothing

Home decor from a rubbish

Recycle, get rid of stuff and set yourself free!

A couple of weeks ago I was selling my old clothes in an open air flea market in Brittany. When I saw all the stuff that nobody wanted, I made myself a promise not to buy anything useless ever again.

My table was minimalistic; I just took one suitcase full of clothes and accessories that I wanted to sell. When I looked around me, I saw sellers coming by car with trailers! Then I thought, Oh boy – how much people do have things that they don’t need.

Later on it started to rain and I saw lot of items getting wet. Who wants them now? I thought. All this unwanted stuff. It made me sick.

How did we end up like this, collecting stuff like hamsters?!

The second thing that I noticed was that the high street fashion brands do not have value. You can only ask a couple of euros of them. Even when they are in a good condition. Of course my point wasn’t make money, but just to get rid of everything I won’t be wearing anymore, but still. This highlights even better the point that it better to buy things used or buy only quality and long time used clothes, because otherwise you end up loosing money. And let’s not forget the planet and environmental issues.

Lucky me, I almost managed to sell everything. The rain didn’t disturb me as I had parasol with me. Actually these parasols tempt people to come my selling spot when it was raining – and then: I got rid of all the unwanted clothes.

After the day in a flea market I walked back to our car. With (almost) empty suitcase in my hand I told my husband: less stuff, more mental capital!


Read more:

6 reasons why you should buy second hand clothing

The story of the green pants

You are what you wear

How to travel light?

A little escape in the city when the weather report promises sun and some rainy days, you have a wedding party to attend to and you want to travel with Zero Waste principles in mind – how does it work? Let’s find out!

We went to visit Paris for five days. Beforehand we decided to travel only with hand luggage and that we try take as little as we can. We even left the pram home (not so good idea). To pack wisely, I weared my culottes trousers, a white smart shirt, a cardigan and a long coat. I put on an outfit, which had a several layers on it, so I didn’t need to place them in the bag. This is why I had a lot of space in my bag to fit in my party dress, shoes and a little bag, my yoga pants and a top, one vintage dress, a long sleeve skirt and a pair of jeans. Also I took a book, my notebook, charger and a headphone. My computer I left home, because I knew it that I won’t have time to open it. What goes with the everyday cosmetics, I reused my little bottles and fill them when ever needed.

And what about the Zero Waste principles?

It is definitely not easy when you travel. At least then you notice how much waste we produce! If only there where proper tap at airports where you can fill your durable bottle, but no – there is only few airports that I know, where you can fill your water bottle (one is in Helsinki-Vantaa airport, for sure). Imagine how much less we would produce a plastic bottle waste, if only we could refill our bottles in airports?! I hope in near future the airports are more greener, because now I feel I am going to a wasteland where everything you buy or eat is wrapped in plastic. So it is definitely not easy to live along your Zero Waste values when you are traveling. Anyhow, there is something you can always do to travel more sustainable.

For us, we can still travel with filled water bottles with us through the securite control, because we have our little girl. That helps a lot, when we can fill the bottles at home. During the flight we try to eat more healthy and avoid buying those e-code filled sandwiches. So I sliced an apple to a box and some dried fruits that I put in boxes. For a little fabric bag I put bamboo cutlery so we didn’t have to take those plastic ones in the airport. Also, I took with me my durable take away mug and a couple of fabric bags to do the groceries in Paris. Yes, these are little steps, but easy ones that everybody can adapt while traveling! I am proud of that at some points I can say big NO to producing more plastic waste.

Lets get back to my carry-on baggage. How did I manage the travel? Where there something extra with me?

Yes, there was. A pair of jean I didn’t use. Except the wedding party, the weather was sunny and warm, so I was wearing my vintage dress from Beyond Retro. And when it was raining I was covered in a fancy French castle.

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Osa II: täydellinen lomapuvusto

Wise packing for a holiday

Are you going to Helsinki? Mark these addresses down