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travel tips

Sustainable Fashion

How to travel light?


A little escape in the city when the weather report promises sun and some rainy days, you have a wedding party to attend to and you want to travel with Zero Waste principles in mind – how does it work? Let’s find out! We went to visit Paris for five days. Beforehand we decided to travel only with hand luggage and that we try take as little as we can. We even left the pram home (not so good idea).…

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What to do in Lanzarote?

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So, when we got to Lanzarote we rented a car to get to our destination (Arrieta), which is about half an hour from the airport. On Sunday evening we had basically stayed in our area, walked a bit and seen some friends of my husband. In the evening our little girl started to be a bit anxious so we decided to go for a drive. My husband had done a bit of research on the Internet, and he had found…

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Next destination: Lanzarote


It’s early on Saturday morning and we are heading to Orly airport. It is 5 o’clock and we are already in the taxi. We haven’t completely woken up yet, and we act mechanically just to make it to the plane (and get that morning coffee). I’m always a little tense before we go on holiday. Too many deadlines before leaving. The night before I was finishing my text for my creative writing course and then cleaning up the house. But…

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