Sustainable Fashion

How to travel light?


A little escape in the city when the weather report promises sun and some rainy days, you have a wedding party to attend to and you want to travel with Zero Waste principles in mind – how does it work? Let’s find out!

We went to visit Paris for five days. Beforehand we decided to travel only with hand luggage and that we try take as little as we can. We even left the pram home (not so good idea). To pack wisely, I weared my culottes trousers, a white smart shirt, a cardigan and a long coat. I put on an outfit, which had a several layers on it, so I didn’t need to place them in the bag. This is why I had a lot of space in my bag to fit in my party dress, shoes and a little bag, my yoga pants and a top, one vintage dress, a long sleeve skirt and a pair of jeans. Also I took a book, my notebook, charger and a headphone. My computer I left home, because I knew it that I won’t have time to open it. What goes with the everyday cosmetics, I reused my little bottles and fill them when ever needed.


And what about the Zero Waste principles?

It is definitely not easy when you travel. At least then you notice how much waste we produce! If only there where proper tap at airports where you can fill your durable bottle, but no – there is only few airports that I know, where you can fill your water bottle (one is in Helsinki-Vantaa airport, for sure). Imagine how much less we would produce a plastic bottle waste, if only we could refill our bottles in airports?! I hope in near future the airports are more greener, because now I feel I am going to a wasteland where everything you buy or eat is wrapped in plastic. So it is definitely not easy to live along your Zero Waste values when you are traveling. Anyhow, there is something you can always do to travel more sustainable.


For us, we can still travel with filled water bottles with us through the securite control, because we have our little girl. That helps a lot, when we can fill the bottles at home. During the flight we try to eat more healthy and avoid buying those e-code filled sandwiches. So I sliced an apple to a box and some dried fruits that I put in boxes. For a little fabric bag I put bamboo cutlery so we didn’t have to take those plastic ones in the airport. Also, I took with me my durable take away mug and a couple of fabric bags to do the groceries in Paris. Yes, these are little steps, but easy ones that everybody can adapt while traveling! I am proud of that at some points I can say big NO to producing more plastic waste.


Lets get back to my carry-on baggage. How did I manage the travel? Where there something extra with me?

Yes, there was. A pair of jean I didn’t use. Except the wedding party, the weather was sunny and warm, so I was wearing my vintage dress from Beyond Retro. And when it was raining I was covered in a fancy French castle.

Read more:

Osa II: täydellinen lomapuvusto

Wise packing for a holiday

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