
This autumn everything will change again

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This summer hasn’t gone like I planned. I didn’t spend a relaxing and easy-going summer – no I surely didn’t. To be honest this summer has been heavy in a mentally and physically way. Mentally because I have been processing a lot about our future and where would be that ideal place to be right now, physically because I am pregnant. This was surprise to us. Of course we were thinking about the second one, but not in this moment. Then this “surprise” pregnancy leaded us to think our life all over again.

And oh boy those hormones! Every other day I have been crying because I wanted to stay in Catalonia, in the other days I wanted to move back to Finland. All the decisions making made us tired. I mean that was the only thing that we were talking about as a couple. It ate all our energy.

Thought, the final decision was kind of clear and evident. We knew what we have to do. We realized that the 400 square metre house and its renovation, baby coming, to take care our daughter and my husband running two companies – well, all together it would be too much. We needed to make our life simple again.

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We decided to try to sell the house and see what happen. And in a month we did sell the house. We took it as a sign, that this was the right decision. And in the end we get our investments back, so in a way we can think that we were living for free in Catalonia all the months that we were there.

Some might think that we were a bit fool and ask: was it really worth it?

Yes it definitely was, because we got to realize our dream. If we haven’t moved to this little wine village we haven’t got to know the actual village life, learn more about new culture and most of all to get to know all this lovely people around us. We experienced so much, and in the end I learned a lot about myself.

Also, I learned the downsides when you realize a dream.

I learned that we need to return to Finland so that we can start dream again of moving back to Catalonia.

So, on the road again.

Stay tuned,



Read more:

Plan B

5 things that are differently


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