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5 things that are differently

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alella kissa

Ok, I have been living in Catalonia now about a month and already I have noticed that some things have changed. Here is what I have noticed: Before: I rushed around Paris to go from place A to B and then C…After when I got back home I was feeling tired. I used a lot of my time to just to get in different places – that takes time and energy. Now: We mostly pass our time in our village.…

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Why did we move to Catalonia?


So, I have written about our new start here in Catalonia, but I haven’t really opened up, why we wanted to give up our life in Paris and move to a new country and to a place where we don’t know anyone. So this blog text is about that. Firstly, we wanted to give our daughter the best possible place to grow up. Secondly, we wanted to move somewhere in Europe where the climate is warm and most of the…

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The story of four eggs


First I thought I was going to feel so lonely here in Barcelona region, in a small village where I don’t know anyone, but oh boy how wrong I was. It hasn’t been a day that I haven’t been talking to someone who I don’t know, and often we don’t even share the same language. These last weeks we have been invited spontaneysly to a Sunday lunch to our neighbours’ house when they saw as walking near they house. They…

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New Start


Ok, so we have moved from Helsinki to Barcelona region. To be honest it was a bit shock at first. We were living in Helsinki and Paris and now we are about to install in a small village near Barcelona. In the first a couple of days I was sure I am never going to adapt this, but then in the forth morning my prejudices were gone. I was feeling happy and the hostess of the house who has always…

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Road trip in Catalonia

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Rakastan impulsiivisia käänteitä: sitä, kun matkasuunnitelmia voi muuttaa fiiliksen mukaan. Niinpä päätimme vuokrata auton ja suunnata katsomaan Barcelonan lähialueita. Ensin ajoimme Sitgesiin, pieneen rantakaupunkiin, jossa pysähdyimme hörppäämään reissukahvit ja syöttämään tyttömme. Ihastelimme turkoosinsinisenä kiiltävää merta ja kävelimme rantabulevardia. Matka sai kuitenkin vielä jatkua. Nyt cava-viinitilojen kylkeen, Penedésin alueelle, jonnekin sinne, missä vuoristokolmiot rikkovat tasankoa. Sinne tänne ajellessamme viinilaaksojen halki kohti yhä kauniimpaa ja kauniimpaa maaseutua, päädyimme viimein pieneen Torrelles de Foix -nimiseen kylään, josta mieheni löysi Bed & breakfast -majoituksen.…

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