
Get together!

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During our trip to Barcelona region, we saw our friends every day. We were so on the road all the time, that the Finn in me needed one day off to be in peace. To the contrast of our life in Finland, during our 10 days trip to Catalonia we saw more friends than in the last eight months time in Finland. And this: seeing friends as a family I have missed.

Our old neighbors invited us with open arms to have lunch, dinner and afternoon café with them. I felt like we were old members of the family. It touched me. And when I walked in our village in Alella, I felt for a moment that I was still living there. When I saw our old neighbor spontaneously on the street, bought chocolate croissants from our favorite bakery or bought bottle of white wine from a wine shop, it seemed so normal, that I could have just return back to my old life. And at the same time it felt like I was watching an old movie. From the car where Melodia FM was played in the background, I watched the breathtaking views over the village, in my mind I marked all the familiar spots: here we drank our first glasses of cava and there our daughter went to nursery. And here: here was our home. We stopped the car and I wanted to look closely our past. Our Frida Kahlo house seemed empty and some how abandoned (maybe the new owners were waiting for the renovation permit?) I did felt pain in my heart, but I understood that it was best solution to give up on this house and its huge renovation project, but to give up on this lifestyle? I am not so sure.

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When you have lived five years abroad, it is not easy to fit back in Finland – during our time in Helsinki, I have come to realize this. But as I get older I have accepted that in me beside my Finnish roots I carry with me a bit of France and Spain, and this is why at times I miss to be in my other homes and the everyday joie de vivre. Luckily summer is coming here in north too (thought today it was snowing) and we Finns start to socialize more.  Friends, watch out, I will send you invitation soon. It is time to get together!

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Next stop: Badalona

Next destination: Lanzarote

Summer life in Brittany

First family travel


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