
Winter break in Northern Finland

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We didn’t plan to go on a winter holiday, but as I looked the calendar, I noticed that our girl has a winter break from nursery. So at day’s notice we decided to go to North of Finland to visit my mother. At first, I thought it is too difficult at four and especially with baby. You know, a long train trip! It would be so easy to stay home, right?

Luckily we had the energy to go for a holiday, because it was so worth it! The break has done it’s magic, maybe it is my mother’s cozy place or the effect spending time in a small town? Whatever it is, it is working for me every time, and I return back home feeling more relaxed and ready to face the challenges ahead.

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During the week we have visited my favorite spot in Raahe, Mikonkari, where the landscape is always so magical – almost a dream-like. I have visited all the local second hand markets. With my girl we went to library and to eat waffles in the local café. And as a little town benefits, I made an appointment for a relaxing face and foot treatment in eco beauty salon in one days notice. The highlight of the morning has been walks with my mother’s dog alone in beautiful winter wonderland, even when it is cold, it doesn’t feel that cold when the sun is shining. And coffee: that we have been drinking a several cups a day – like we always do at my mother’s place.

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It is wonderful to have this chance to return to my hometown, to return back to my roots. It feels safe to realize that some things stay the same, and my children are going to experience the same places as I did when I was little. It is a beauty to experience the slowness that this little town has in it: you know the people in the cafés and they have time to catch up, dog walkers have time to stop and say hello. You breath the slowness, and you know it is good for you.

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After this leisurely holiday week, I have again realized how important it is that you have you close ones near, and you can spend time with them. I have also realized that for a holiday you don’t need to organize a big thing or too much action – what me and my family needs, it is to spent time together. The firstborn has enjoyed most of all that she can spend time with her grandma. My husband has enjoyed long walks on the iced sea and the beautiful winter weather. For me, I have enjoyed having conversations with my mother, the extra help (of course!) and by doing all the normal things that I usually do at my mother’s place.

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This holiday week has once again prove, that you don’t have to go far away to go on a break, sometimes these small actions without planning and filling your days with schedule is all that your family needs. After all the meaning of a holiday is to relax, isn’t it?

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A different kind of weekend in Tallinn

Zero waste lifestyle on the road

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