5 things that are differently

Ok, I have been living in Catalonia now about a month and already I have noticed that some things have changed.

Here is what I have noticed:

Before: I rushed around Paris to go from place A to B and then C…After when I got back home I was feeling tired. I used a lot of my time to just to get in different places – that takes time and energy.

Now: We mostly pass our time in our village. Things are simple. We take our daughter to the nursery, do some grocery shopping and get back to our house; we work and then pick up our child around five. We only go to Barcelona like once in the week, and we plan beforehand what we are going to do. I do love to walk around in the city when I am on a weekend holiday, but everyday life I prefer to keep things simple and efficient. To put in other way: Big cities makes me tired these days.

Before: The time passed fast.

Now: I feel like I have earned some extra hours in my day. Before picking up our daughter I have finished my to do -list and I still got time to sit down on our terrace and look at the view. And nope, I don’t take any extra hours from my sleeping time.

Before: We went to an expensive and badly filled organic grocery shop in Paris, and I hated it to go there every time. People where in the bad mood, the lines where long and there where hardy place to move with trams and the shopping cart.

Now: Our local grocery shop is literally full of local and fresh fruits and vegetables. It makes me smile every time I go there.

Before: I used to stay inside most of the day.

Now: Even when it is wintertime in here, I have spent more time outdoors than never before. It is so good for my mind and body to spend more and more time outside, to take care of our garden or just to work at our terrace. Naturally I sleep well.

Before: I was planning our next trip all the time. (Afterwards I have realized that it was because I wasn’t happy to live in Paris.)

Now: I don’t miss to be anywhere else or I don’t need to be planning our next trip. I am absolutely happy to be here.

So I guess I have to admit that we have found our ideal destination, and I have started to become a real senora.


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Why did we move to Catalonia?

New start

Why did we move to Catalonia?

So, I have written about our new start here in Catalonia, but I haven’t really opened up, why we wanted to give up our life in Paris and move to a new country and to a place where we don’t know anyone.

So this blog text is about that.

Firstly, we wanted to give our daughter the best possible place to grow up. Secondly, we wanted to move somewhere in Europe where the climate is warm and most of the time nice. Also, we wanted to give up the hectic life in the big city and slow down.

Shortly, we wanted to find that ideal place where we could be on countryside and have our own garden, but still be next to a big city.

Also, we wanted to live more to our values and in more ecological way: to recycle better, buy local food, doing things by ourselves, and just enjoy everyday life in a natural and healthy environment.

We were thinking about South of France, Italy and then Spain. The final decision was made when we had visited Barcelona region a couple of times. And when we found this little wine village near Barcelona, we were absolutely sure, that this could be ideal place for us. Also, we learned that the village is really international: there is an international school near by, and lot of people speaks English. These things made the decision-making easy.

Before, I remember, that I used to make plans for our next trip to this and that location. Afterwards I have realized, that it was, because we weren’t happy living in where we were. We were always looking for some excuses to get away. Now, I love the idea that I can just be here. I can diminish my ecological footprint when it comes to travels, because, in general, I don’t need to go anywhere. I am happy here! The weather is nice, the sun is shining, I can be in my garden, and the rhythm of the life is slower than in a big city. Even original everyday stuff, like doing laundry, makes me happy, especially when I can put the laundry to dry outside.

The only thing that is presenting less ecological values is, that we needed to buy a car. Yep, not proud of it, but it was kind of mandatory here. Thought, we do use the car wisely and basically only on weekends. We walk to the nursery and the village (this is so good sport when we need to climb back to our house!) When it gets warmer, we will do daytrips by our bikes. Anyway, we found it better to do road trips in South of Europa by car than taking a plane to somewhere far.

So that’s about it. Now you know why we are here:)

Between the lines what I try to say is, that if it possible, it is better to live by your values and make the choices that make your everyday life happier. It is better to find the actual moment and the environment pleasant than hastaging #throwbacks or just living in the future and waiting for the next summer holiday. That is what I think.

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Plan B

New Start

Next Stop: Badalona

The story of four eggs

First I thought I was going to feel so lonely here in Barcelona region, in a small village where I don’t know anyone, but oh boy how wrong I was. It hasn’t been a day that I haven’t been talking to someone who I don’t know, and often we don’t even share the same language.

These last weeks we have been invited spontaneysly to a Sunday lunch to our neighbours’ house when they saw as walking near they house. They even give us some eggs from their chicken ( yes, this is how countryside we are living now). And while we were going to our neighbours’ place we end up talking to other neighbours next door, and they invited us too for a lunch. This kind of thing never happened to us in Paris or in Finland. I really am amazed how friendly people are here. I never seen anything like this.

I have to share another story, too. I was washing dishes in the kitchen when I saw our neighbour shaking hands to try to get my attention. I went outside to see what he wanted, and then he reach for the barrier and gave me two bags. In the other there were eggs and in the other lemons.

Not only people are friendly, helpful and open-minded, but they want to share things.

In the other day, when we were leaving from the lunch date from our neighbour’s place, our lovely hostess said: “welcome again, my house is your house, too”.

Okey, I still got lot to do with my Finnish attitude where we mostly leave our neighbours alone, to start to be as open as our neighbours are. I can already feel that the wind is changing.

I will continue my exploration here, in Catalonia.

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5 things that are differently

Why did we move to Catalonia?

New Start

New Start

Ok, so we have moved from Helsinki to Barcelona region. To be honest it was a bit shock at first. We were living in Helsinki and Paris and now we are about to install in a small village near Barcelona.

In the first a couple of days I was sure I am never going to adapt this, but then in the forth morning my prejudices were gone. I was feeling happy and the hostess of the house who has always lived here. My husband couldn’t help wondering: What the hell happened? Few days ago you wanted to go and now you are happy to be here. Yep, I am. Ok, there a million thinks to do in the house, but the garden and the view are something that I am going to be happy every day. I am going to write more about our life changing project and the reasons why we decided to move from a big city to a small village.

Stay tuned!


Lets dream big!

One of my New Year’s Eve tradition is to make a dream map for the next year. I think it is a good way to start a new year when you do a little check in with yourself and write down your goals in life. Instead of making new year’s promises that you can’t keep, it is more optimistic to create a mind map and dream. Also, when you make the dream map every year, it is nice to look at them after years and see how the dreams and the goals changes. Four years ago I was dreaming about living in Paris, but now I couldn’t see myself and my family to live in a big city like Paris. Instead of I dream about my own garden and finishing my yoga teacher’s training.

I recommend this tradition to you, just cut down some pictures from the old magazines and glue them to a paper and write down what you are dreaming of. It is a fun tradition! Just try it!

So, what are you dreaming of?

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Good Vibes for the New Year

10 vinkkiä kaamosta vastaan eli näin pysyt energisenä läpi pimeän kauden

What’s up for 2017?

Shopping diet is the new black!

In the summertime I kind of accidentally started a shopping diet. It is easy during the summer, when you can wear light summer clothes and you don’t need to put on so many layers at the same time. Then again, when I have been traveling all the summer, I kind of stick to wear the same old maxi skirt and a t-shirt. Changing the outfit is too difficult for my summer spirit.

But it is not only the summertime that motives people to get one some kind of a shopping diet, it starts to be a new trend, the new black. From here and there I have heard it: “Nope, I am not buying clothes at the moment, I am on a diet.” More and more people start to raise their awareness about ethical and environmental issues and pay attention to their own shopping manners. And let’s face it: all the western people own too much clothes, that is for sure! Now wonder we are living in the era of konmarism.

In my opinion shopping diet is always a good idea. You start to use more your creativity to make new outfits from the old content of your wardrobe. Also, you will learn something about yourself, too, like what clothes you wear more often and what kind of clothes make you feel confortable. Moreover, a shopping diet can make you find new ways consume clothes. One way is to make and modify clothes on your own. One solution is to borrow or switch a piece of clothing with your friend. I used to do that with my friend when I was younger and it was so much fun. In adult life we should do that more often! We should adapt the model that renting is a new form of buying. The whole idea about borrowing clothes is still taking baby steps, but I believe that in near future we are using those renting services more often.

Of course when you start a shopping diet, there is a danger that you only start thinking of buying new clothes, and you are too hard on yourself and try to make radical changes too soon and for too long. Also, you might feel at times miserable, when you see your friends wearing those new seasonal trends that you are dying for to try yourself. Sometimes it might be hard to remember why you start that shopping diet when you see that best ever fall coat, that you just need to complete your style. Still, I am sure nothing gives you more pleasure than saying to yourself and others: “I am on a shopping diet”. While others continue buying new clothes, you can save that money for a travel or something special. This might be a way to invest something durable and quality wear that you never have the chance when you spent that money on cheap piece of clothing.

I am sure that end of the short or long term shopping diet, you have change your way of consuming and you are more critical of buying new clothes. Also, if more people start to try this new trend, it might create a demand for rental model.

Just give it a try, and you feel differently. Trust me.

Read more:

How many clothes do you own?

Toward sustainable clothing

Mitä pakata mukaan kaupunkilomalle?

You are what you wear

Are you going to Helsinki? Mark these addresses down!

Kuuma is the coolest breggie place in town. Start your morning with a big coffee, healthy juice and that image cool avocado toast. In this bright café you just want to stop the time, have another cup of coffee and read those fancy magazines.

Write down: Kuuma, Pursimiehenkatu 12.

Date & Kale is a healthy restaurant, which menu includes those perfect smoothie bowls that you just need to take a picture and posted on your Instagram account. Are you already following @Anniskk (Anni Kravi) on Instagram? Well, she is the one of who is behind this restaurant concept. Its other owner, Richard McCormick, is known by his many restaurants, and that he is the man who you call when you want to eat tasty food in Helsinki.

We ate there salty pancakes, which were insanely good. Also, I have to mention that it easy to go with kids.

Write down: Kamppi shopping center/ Kortteli, Urho Kekkosen katu 1.

Mumin Kaffe is so easy to go with kids when you are having a round in Stockmann department store. This recently opened café is excellent when you want to have that coffee break while your kids are plying with Moomin characters or reading Moomin books in beanbag chair.

Write down: Stockmann, 5. kerros. Aleksanterinkatu 52.

Holiday Bar. This bar-restaurant opened last year, but I never had a chance to visit it. Luckily this summer place just opened when we were in Helsinki. We went there for a brunch on May Day known as “Vappu” and had absolutely perfect veggie brunch that I’ll never forget.

The place is decorated with holiday spirit in mind, and here you just want to relax, meet your friends for a drink or dinner and have that mini break when you a really out of office (in your mind also). Good music, friendly staff (who speaks normally only in English) and good music – I am sure you want to have another drink when you get there.

Write down: Kanavaranta 7.

And look: One of those pressdays that we went during our stay, I found my new pair of eyeglasses. I have to have it.


Next stop: Badalona

As I wrote before we really liked Badalona, so we decided to come here again, and try what would it be like to life here for a while. We rented an apartment for ten days from Miramar apartement-hotel, and try to live as normal everyday life as possible. Though, beside of working and taking care of our little one, we have managed to do so much already, like going to a street market, to eat in my favourite vegetarian restaurant Flax & Kale, and to have nice dinner with our friends, drink too much coffee, and most of all just to enjoy life. I start to understand why people want to move here.

Marimekko’s fall collection 2017

Last Sunday Marimekko presented their new fall/ winter collection 2017 in Ambassade de Finlande in Paris.

The new collection is an ode to Finnish culture: the nature, folklore, architecture and the mythology of Kalevala. Clean silhouettes, strong patterns, fancy leather culottes and cozy winter coats – it is all that any power woman needs for the next season. And, of course those fancy, blue shoes.

In this a bit smaller collection than usually, I picked up my favorite outfits, which where styled by talented Tanya Jones. Sadly this was the last collection by the Marimekko’s creative director Anna Teurnell. She left the company last week. Anyway, I do like this practical “everyday, everywhere styles”, which allows to wear your favourite Marimekko clothing where ever you go.

Pictures by Marimekko/ Hamed Khalil.

Read more:

Marimekko’s Spring/ summer collection – a look back at the 70’s

An ode to confortable style (=menocore)


AALTO: Paradise lost

Well, it is time for Paris fashion week again. On the opening day I went to see the Finnish brand AALTO International. AALTO presented their fifth collection Paradise Lost, which investigates long-term core ideals such as classicism, sustainability and pragmatism. The autumn/ winter collection is a mix of  fantasy and visions of the future and an ode to free-spirited travellers.

The Paradise Lost collection is created with films such as Blade Runner and Gattaca in mind. The influence of these films you can find the collection’s juxtaposition of the old and the new in creating interesting esthetic and the contrast with colors and the mixing of different materials.

What I really like about this brand is their value of sustainability. In this collection AALTO is doing a collaboration with NEWLIFEDOWN using 100 % RCS certified post-consumer recycled down for the pieces and fabricated by Duvetica. Also, with this collection AALTO has teamed up with Saga Furs. Of course, we can have many opinions on fur, but in this collaboration AALTO introduces a new technique called “air galloning”, which allows the presentation of light fur garments, and in this way shows a precious use of the material. Anyway, wearing fur (me: only vintage) or not, I have to say that in Paradise Lost the fur details spiced up the other materials in such an innovative way that only a talented designer like AALTO’s Tuomas Merikoski can do it.

Here I have picked up some of my favourite outfits from the new collection. Personally I am a fan of that dreamy multi-coloured dress which is like a fairy tale. Also, the use of the color green… I mean, have green cardigans and shirts ever looked this desirable?

Enjoy the picture runway!



Aalto International
Ready-to-Wear Collection Fall Winter 2017
Paris Fashion Week
CREDIT: Guillaume Roujas

For more sustainable and balanced living

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