Category Archives: Travel

Summertime in Finland

In May I was all about going somewhere, but now when the summertime started in Finland, I am more than happy that I can spend the whole month in here. The landscape is absolutely amazing this time of the year – all these greens and blues, talking about all the wild growing flowers, that makes the nature look like s candy shop.

So lets talk about summer life in Finland. It is true that during the summer we Finns are more vivid than in other seasons. It is logical, of course, but still: to see all these smiling people when the sun is shining, and you can spend most of the day outdoors, well it changes everything after the heavy and dark season.

For me and my family, I want to spend as much time as possible in my hometown in North, In Raahe. The summer life is so easy in a small town: every action is framed by simplicity. You don’t have to wait in a line, the grocery shop is near and cafés too. And the sea – only a couple of minutes ride a bike and you see it, you smell it. Also, there are a lot of summer activities in small places during holiday season, and normally they are not far away and over booked (so it easy to make last minute plans).

But of course there is something else, why I love spent time in Raahe: my roots are here. This is where I grow up. Everywhere in this environment there are hidden notes that whispers: do you remember this? Of course I do. I remember when I took this same road to my grandmother’s place (where my mother is living now), the hours that I spend in my local library or the café that we used to buy cinnamon rolls with my mother.

Now I get to share all this with my kids. I get them to create roots here, too. My daughter is playing at the same playground where are used to play when I was little girl.  During the nighttime I read her same books that my mother did when I was young. She even found a drawing that I have done one of my old books.

The roots are important; they make you feel home and sense of being grounded somewhere. I love the idea that kind of way my kids are making their own paths here, memory marks that they hopefully remember later on in their lives.

Well, at least I keep repeating some paths that hopefully my kids will remember (even if later on we live some other country…)

So this is what I want my kids to adapt from the Finnish summer…

That we always traveled by train to North, and they remember how the landscape changes from south to north.

That summer meant a visit to my mother’s place.

That we went to have a picnic near by the sea in Mikonkari and picked up flowers.

That we took the bikes and just kept on riding. (I love the idea how easy it is to ride a bike in Finland, there are hardly any traffic in a small place and the roads are good.)

That we went to buy ice cream again and again. (Did you know that during the summer there a huge selection of different kind of ice creams at grocery shops? And those ice cream kiosk you can find everywhere.)

That we made a strawberry cake from the Finnish strawberries (it is a tradition).

That we went to have a walk in a forest.

That we did day trips near by.

Also, I hope my kids remember that we, parents, were relaxed and present with them. (And we had time to read and drink coffee on the terrace, and maybe even have a date night too.)

I hope they remember feeling happy and relaxed during the summer. ( I am sure I get opinion about this one day.

So above all this is what our summers are made of in Raahe. Of course we go sauna and swimming (if the water is not too cold, most of the time it is for me at least. I am not going to lie about this.)

Now, excuse me, there are little girl waiting for me to go and buy an ice cream for her. In this moment I couldn’t find a better excuse to close my computer.

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What I wore this summer

The summer when I get hooked

Summer life in Brittany








Aftermath: a perfect holiday

You might call the holiday to be successful when you return home feeling a bit blue. At least my husband says it’s like that. Me, I began to suspect if the midlife crisis start to hit already?!

Anyway, many of us have a summer vacation waiting around the corner, so let’s talk about a vacation and a successful one.

For us, the Italian road trip was a success. This I can feel in my bones and pants tighten at the waist. At home I have listened songs that I heard from a Italian radio station while we were on the road. Also, limoncello bottle is waiting to be opened and a couple of new souvenir magnets from Italy have appeared on the fridge door. Perfect holiday always creates some sort of post-holiday spirit that you want maintain as long as possible.

Also, this goes with the style, too. The Italian ladies – how good dressers they are! It is like looking a fashion show. Have you noticed? They wear colors, patterns and lots of accessories and they have this kind of high level sense of style and how to mix all these things together. I just love all the colors and feminine style that they wear! I want to copy it, too! So my high promise for this summer is to wear more accessories and high heels – I have got a way too comfortable by wearing sneakers all the time.

What I learned from this trip is, that the holiday is more pleasant for everyone, when you don’t set a tight schedule. We improvised the whole Italian trip with the children (yes, it is possible). Often we didn’t even know where are we going to go next day. This brought us a great deal of freedom and we could, for example, change the city if the weather was bad. Our travel would have been more stressful, if we had booked all the hotels in advance and that had created the atmosphere to run to the next stop. I believe that our holiday got a very different feeling when only the first night was booked in advance and then we jus let the holiday roll at its own style and speed.

Remember also, that you don’t have to see everything what your holiday destination is offering. Leave something for the next time. This time we didn’t even try to get in to the touristic places (the tower of Pisa we saw on the rain, so there weren’t that much people). Instead, we ate well and enjoyed the atmosphere of each city in our own way. For example, in picturesque Verona, we had lunch in a quiet side street restaurant, and this is what I will always remember of this place. Also, it was enough this time. We can always return to Verona some other time.

If possible, travel outside the tourist season. In July and August, the rest of Europe is so overbooked that I avoid traveling during that period. The end of May was a great time to visit northern Italy: it wasn’t too hot, you could book hotels on the same day in a good price and the traditional touristic destinations weren’t full of people.

Lets get back to beginning…like I wrote, a perfect holiday brings also its downsides:it is more likely to be followed by a post-holiday melancholy. Normally, like in my case, it doesn’t last long time. (Daily routines and busy family life doesn’t leave a huge gap to feel blue.)

Thought, the post-holiday blues is not always tied to the destination or the sun, it is tied to you and that big or small change that you have experienced during the holiday. It is true, that we always return home a little bit different version of ourselves than we left. After all, we return home filled with experiences and new memories. One kind of return home with an updated version of ourselves, and that makes it a bit difficult to return to our “old” life.

Luckily, the summer season is about to start and all those adventures are waiting in a corner, and that makes everything a bit softer. And maybe, I just say “maybe”, but who knows we are going to return on the road again in September after tourists are gone. Before that, I’ll put on my fruit-patterned skirt that I found from a vintage store in Milan and start to use those heels again – some things you can always copy and bring home – if you try to look at the bright sights.

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Get together

Barcelona vs. Paris

The summer when I got hooked






Get together!

During our trip to Barcelona region, we saw our friends every day. We were so on the road all the time, that the Finn in me needed one day off to be in peace. To the contrast of our life in Finland, during our 10 days trip to Catalonia we saw more friends than in the last eight months time in Finland. And this: seeing friends as a family I have missed.

Our old neighbors invited us with open arms to have lunch, dinner and afternoon café with them. I felt like we were old members of the family. It touched me. And when I walked in our village in Alella, I felt for a moment that I was still living there. When I saw our old neighbor spontaneously on the street, bought chocolate croissants from our favorite bakery or bought bottle of white wine from a wine shop, it seemed so normal, that I could have just return back to my old life. And at the same time it felt like I was watching an old movie. From the car where Melodia FM was played in the background, I watched the breathtaking views over the village, in my mind I marked all the familiar spots: here we drank our first glasses of cava and there our daughter went to nursery. And here: here was our home. We stopped the car and I wanted to look closely our past. Our Frida Kahlo house seemed empty and some how abandoned (maybe the new owners were waiting for the renovation permit?) I did felt pain in my heart, but I understood that it was best solution to give up on this house and its huge renovation project, but to give up on this lifestyle? I am not so sure.

When you have lived five years abroad, it is not easy to fit back in Finland – during our time in Helsinki, I have come to realize this. But as I get older I have accepted that in me beside my Finnish roots I carry with me a bit of France and Spain, and this is why at times I miss to be in my other homes and the everyday joie de vivre. Luckily summer is coming here in north too (thought today it was snowing) and we Finns start to socialize more.  Friends, watch out, I will send you invitation soon. It is time to get together!

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Next stop: Badalona

Next destination: Lanzarote

Summer life in Brittany

First family travel

A postcard from Spain

After spending eight months in Finland, it was about a time to have a little break. We decided to come for a holiday near to our old home area in Barcelona region. In so many ways this holiday was so needed.

The first thing that I noticed, when we landed to the Barcelona airport, was the feeling of relief. It was like a stone was removed from my shoulders. I didn’t even realize that I had felt so stressed out.

The other thing that I started to wonder was, if we are really enjoying our every day life in Finland. Don’t get me wrong. I think we are fine in Helsinki. My intention has been to try to live in a slow fashion, but that is the thing: we try to live in a slow fashion. It is not in our genes and we need to pay attention to it, but here the slow living ideology happens kind of naturally.

In the first couple of days I stressed about work and how I managed to combine work and family life in the upcoming weeks, but in few days I was so into this lifestyle, that I totally forget to feel stress about anything. Also, I took all the misfortunes that happened to us, like that someone break in to our rental car and broke the window and other adversities, kind of in a softer way than usually. It is like this time I really believe the saying: “Everything will work out just fine”.

Also, at first I was annoyed by the slow service, but then I started to question: why are we always just in a hurry? In Premia de Mar, in this lovely church plaza that I went to drink my daily cappuccino, and it was always served so hot that you need to wait a while before you can start drink it — it took me a couple of days to understood that this is how it should be: you should enjoy this moment – not to be in a hurry! A lesson to learn again, I guess.

Above all this holiday has taught me more about the sweet art of slow life. From an experience I know that you cannot transform the southern lifestyle to the north, but I hope I can bring a just tiny bit of it to our every day life.

Or we just need to come back here soon.

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Zero Waste lifestyle on the road

A different kind of weekend in Tallinn

Winter break in Northern Finland

We didn’t plan to go on a winter holiday, but as I looked the calendar, I noticed that our girl has a winter break from nursery. So at day’s notice we decided to go to North of Finland to visit my mother. At first, I thought it is too difficult at four and especially with baby. You know, a long train trip! It would be so easy to stay home, right?

Luckily we had the energy to go for a holiday, because it was so worth it! The break has done it’s magic, maybe it is my mother’s cozy place or the effect spending time in a small town? Whatever it is, it is working for me every time, and I return back home feeling more relaxed and ready to face the challenges ahead.

During the week we have visited my favorite spot in Raahe, Mikonkari, where the landscape is always so magical – almost a dream-like. I have visited all the local second hand markets. With my girl we went to library and to eat waffles in the local café. And as a little town benefits, I made an appointment for a relaxing face and foot treatment in eco beauty salon in one days notice. The highlight of the morning has been walks with my mother’s dog alone in beautiful winter wonderland, even when it is cold, it doesn’t feel that cold when the sun is shining. And coffee: that we have been drinking a several cups a day – like we always do at my mother’s place.

It is wonderful to have this chance to return to my hometown, to return back to my roots. It feels safe to realize that some things stay the same, and my children are going to experience the same places as I did when I was little. It is a beauty to experience the slowness that this little town has in it: you know the people in the cafés and they have time to catch up, dog walkers have time to stop and say hello. You breath the slowness, and you know it is good for you.

After this leisurely holiday week, I have again realized how important it is that you have you close ones near, and you can spend time with them. I have also realized that for a holiday you don’t need to organize a big thing or too much action – what me and my family needs, it is to spent time together. The firstborn has enjoyed most of all that she can spend time with her grandma. My husband has enjoyed long walks on the iced sea and the beautiful winter weather. For me, I have enjoyed having conversations with my mother, the extra help (of course!) and by doing all the normal things that I usually do at my mother’s place.

This holiday week has once again prove, that you don’t have to go far away to go on a break, sometimes these small actions without planning and filling your days with schedule is all that your family needs. After all the meaning of a holiday is to relax, isn’t it?

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A different kind of weekend in Tallinn

Zero waste lifestyle on the road

Are you going to Helsinki? Mark these addresses down!

A different kind of weekend in Tallinn

Normally weekend holidays in a city represented for me shopping and tiring running around from fancy cafés to another. Nowadays I choose my hotel well and invest on sweet idleness.

Four years ago we were just met with my husband and we spend a couple of days in Tallinn. It was the Christmas season. We went to fancy restaurants and cocktail bars, and I wanted to go shopping – a big time. It was the winter sales season. Big discounts. We did have a lovely time, but when we took the boat back to Helsinki, I started to feel hangover  for over shopping. As the boat was swinging I felt sick in my body.

After that trip, I never wanted to experience that feeling again. Since then a lot have changed.

This I came face to face when, after four years, we returned for a weekend in Tallinn and in that same Swissôtel that we were before. This time we did enjoy eating in good restaurants and pampering ourselves in spa section, but something had definitely changed.

Before I would have market down in my notebook all the good vintage and fabric stores, Instagram cool cafés and so one, but not this time. The idea of making of list of where to do shopping beforehand started to feel – well, something not for me. Even when I know that buying second hand clothes is not as bad for the planet than buying new ones, but the idea behind: to make yourself vulnerable of the seduction of shopping. The truth is (like for the most of us) we don’t need anything. I don’t need any damn vintage dress at this moment, so why even bother and buy something that you won’t necessary need just because it is unique and you probably never visit this store again.

So we didn’t go shopping or any of those cool places. Actually I didn’t enter to any of shops. When it goes to shopping, I have started to follow the same life instruction than in my person and working life: if it is meant for me, it will happen. If I need to force it, it is maybe not meant for me in this moment. So this rule for shopping goes something like this: I am not going to use my time and energy to look for that special shop for just to go shopping, but if I pass by a nice boutique, I enter. It is simple as that.

In this trip the only thing that we bought was this ridicule Minnie Mouse beanie for my daughter that she chose from an artisanal market (there were all the animal beanies, but this rose one she absolutely wanted). And what goes for eating, that Instagram cool vegetarian restaurant was so full that we didn’t have chance to get in. Instead of we found this quiet Italian restaurant where were only a couple of clients. We ate excellent food and enjoyed that peaceful atmosphere. What a luxury!

In the hotel we enjoyed that fancy room and view from 21st floor, ate too much in delicious breakfast and pampered ourselves in the spa section. In my birthday evening (after relaxing sauna) instead of forcing us to go to eat a fancy diner, we decided to stay in our room with our bathrobes on and order food from room service. And then as a birthday girl I get the chance to dance with 80’s music playing in a music video chanel. Perfect and relaxing weekend, I would say. Again, I followed my life guide: to not force.


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Zero waste lifestyle on the road

Are you going to Helsinki? Mark these addresses down!

A postcard from Lanzarote


Zero waste lifestyle on the road

Ok, the title is a bit ambivalent because traveling can never be totally zero waste. When you take a plane – you are far away from it, but in this article I wanted to write about how you can reduce waste what comes about eating when on the road.

When you go to an airport, plane or railway station you probably buy a take away coffee and a sandwich, which is wrapped in plastic, right? Traveling is stressful and you were in a hurry. I know! I know! Well this is exactly the moment we can act differently. For me the wake up call was the birth of my child. Then I needed to start prepare beforehand a bag full of food and clothes. Also, I started to think the environmental issues: if I carry on like this, I participate filling the planet with plastic. I wanted to change our habits not only in our everyday life but also when we are traveling.

So in this writing I wanted to share my tips how you can reduce waste when you are traveling.

This is what we take with us:

– durable water bottle

– durable take away mug

– a couple of fabric bags

– wooden cutlery in a little fabric bag (that I can pack fruits)

– I made our lunch. Normally I prepare egg and cheese sandwiches (which our daughter loves, and she knows to ask them when we are on a plane).

– if we are traveling during a lunch hour I prepare also a quinoa-based salad and use all the leftover legumes from our fridge. (And if I have some food left that otherwise would end up in bio can, I give to our neighbour.)

– sliced fruits

– a little cold bag that I can add all this.

This made sound self-evident and simple – and it is, but when you don’t prepare your travel carefully this might be last in your list after packing, making reservations and checking out the weather report in your next location. Anyway, for me, every time I do this, I thank myself for doing it, saving money, eating healthy during the travel and above all reduce waste.

What’s your top tips for more sustainable travel?

Read more:

Recycle, get rid of stuff and set yourself free

Let it go!



Are you going to Helsinki? Mark these addresses down!

Kuuma is the coolest breggie place in town. Start your morning with a big coffee, healthy juice and that image cool avocado toast. In this bright café you just want to stop the time, have another cup of coffee and read those fancy magazines.

Write down: Kuuma, Pursimiehenkatu 12.

Date & Kale is a healthy restaurant, which menu includes those perfect smoothie bowls that you just need to take a picture and posted on your Instagram account. Are you already following @Anniskk (Anni Kravi) on Instagram? Well, she is the one of who is behind this restaurant concept. Its other owner, Richard McCormick, is known by his many restaurants, and that he is the man who you call when you want to eat tasty food in Helsinki.

We ate there salty pancakes, which were insanely good. Also, I have to mention that it easy to go with kids.

Write down: Kamppi shopping center/ Kortteli, Urho Kekkosen katu 1.

Mumin Kaffe is so easy to go with kids when you are having a round in Stockmann department store. This recently opened café is excellent when you want to have that coffee break while your kids are plying with Moomin characters or reading Moomin books in beanbag chair.

Write down: Stockmann, 5. kerros. Aleksanterinkatu 52.

Holiday Bar. This bar-restaurant opened last year, but I never had a chance to visit it. Luckily this summer place just opened when we were in Helsinki. We went there for a brunch on May Day known as “Vappu” and had absolutely perfect veggie brunch that I’ll never forget.

The place is decorated with holiday spirit in mind, and here you just want to relax, meet your friends for a drink or dinner and have that mini break when you a really out of office (in your mind also). Good music, friendly staff (who speaks normally only in English) and good music – I am sure you want to have another drink when you get there.

Write down: Kanavaranta 7.

And look: One of those pressdays that we went during our stay, I found my new pair of eyeglasses. I have to have it.


Next stop: Badalona

As I wrote before we really liked Badalona, so we decided to come here again, and try what would it be like to life here for a while. We rented an apartment for ten days from Miramar apartement-hotel, and try to live as normal everyday life as possible. Though, beside of working and taking care of our little one, we have managed to do so much already, like going to a street market, to eat in my favourite vegetarian restaurant Flax & Kale, and to have nice dinner with our friends, drink too much coffee, and most of all just to enjoy life. I start to understand why people want to move here.

Part II: what to do in Lanzarote?

During our stay in Lanzarote we visited another two interesting tourist attractions that I want to recommend to you.

Firstly, I recommend you take a walk in around Volcan del Cuervo, it will help you understand what happened on this island many years ago. After my husband told me that many people come here just to see the volcano, I sure walked respectfully around it. And let’s face it: it really was extraordinary. It takes like 45 minutes in total from your car to walk around the volcano. Great activity when the day is a little bit cloudy and you are tired of lying on your deck chair.

Want to get a bit higher? Visit Mirador del Rio up at the Risco de Famara in the north of the island. It is one of the most representative architectural creations by César Manrique. In its breathtaking view you can see the archipiélago Chinijo Natural Reserve and the Famara Cliff. And I promise, it is here you want to have a glass of sparkling. There is an interior café/bar where you can relax and have your check-in moment and post your “I am here” pictures on Instagram.

More stories about Lanzarote coming up.